Kanikanunneram Vishu Video Greetings Malayalam song

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/v/ViJ7Am_ch7E?f=user_uploads&app=youtube_gdata] Vishu is the astrological new year of Kerala. Part of Hindu traditions and customs. Vishu conveys the message of auspiciousness and prosperity. Cultivation of new crops commences on this day .Vishukkani or the viewing of the auspicious objects is an important ritual associated with Vishu.

Places of Visit in and Around Mangalore – Part1

South Kanara, ageless in its natural splendour and its famous historical wonders, and is rightly called the tropical paradise of Karnataka. Besides, no where else in India, one comes across so many temples and shrines as in South Kanara. Google Map to see these places View Larger Map Please check this link for the entire Read more about Places of Visit in and Around Mangalore – Part1[…]

Places of Worship and Temples in Mangalore

Mangalore lies on the backwaters of Netravati and Gurupura rivers. It was once declared as the eight cleanest city in India. Lying between Arabian Sea and Western Ghats, Mangalore still remains as an important port of India. Its also one of the main pilgrimage centers with many important temples , church and mosques situated here. Read more about Places of Worship and Temples in Mangalore[…]