Mohiniyattam DVD Classical dance Kerala India Savatipadam Deepti Omchery Bhalla,Innu Mama

[youtube=] Mohiniyattam DVD performed by Dr. Deepti Omchery Bhalla Innu Mama Bhagya Taru… Savatipadam (E-mail id – and produced by Invis Multimedia – – Thiruvananthapuram. For more information on this video click – http DVD of this dance form is available at

Kathak Dance Kali Mother goddess Pali Chandra Lucknow India

[youtube=] Kathak is a classical dance from Northern India. Intricate footwork and rapid pirouettes which end in statuesque poses are the dominant and most endearing features of Kathak.This is in praise of Godess Kaali. To Buy or Download- Video by