Mangalore Weather

Weather in Mangalore

Mangalore Weather: Mangalore being a coastal city, basically has a humid weather. It is extremely hot in summer and it rains extremely in rainy season. So you can find most of the Mangaloreans always carrying an umbrella through the year. Due to this extreme weather conditions you can find tiled roof houses here. This is good for summer because it keeps the interior cool and for rainy season, as it does not allow water to stand stagnant at one place……thus avoiding any kind of water leakage on the walls.


Its summer time. Summer is extremely hot in Mangalore, the temperature rises upto 38 degree . People take bath in cold water and wear very light clothes. Women avoid any kind of synthetic or nylon saree. A lot of tender coconut is consumed during this season. People go out for beaches in the evening.


Its rainy season. It rains continuously for 6 months. Sometimes the rains are so heavy that they block the Roads, erode the electricity and telephone poles. People tend to be lazy during this season and try not going out of the house.


Its slightly pleasant, the rainy season would have just gone and the summer not yet started. Its COOL!!!! This is pleasant time for you to visit Mangalore. The bright sun shine and cool breeze in the evening will welcome with both arms.

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