Cock Fight

Cock Fight or Kori Katta in Mangalore

Cock Fight: Korida Katta or Korda Katta ( Koli Anka in kannada) is a very important event and sport in Mangalore. Here there are 2 parties who play the game. They let their cock fight against each other, these cocks are armed with steel blades tied to their feet. In many cases one of the cocks dies due to heavy injuries.These cocks are breed with special care only for this purpose and event. Hundreds of people flock around the scene and participate in the event. Lots of betting takes place and is full of fun. The defeated cock(died cock) becomes the property of the winner. The winner gives the dead cock to the women folks at home to cook a delicious meal. Usually Kori sukka and Kori Rotti is made for the dinner as if celebrating.

Most of the time the Cock fight is held on the occasion of Maripuja of Amnoor Devi which has a history of 100 years. Here both Hindu and Muslim community take part in the function, forgetting their differences. It is a custom for Hindus to offer rice, coconut and jaggery to Valavoor Jumma Masid and to Muslims to offer cock as a sacrifice to Mariyamma.

More than 10000 people from places like Madikeri, Puttur, Sullia, Udupi, Mangalore and Kundapura are expected to attend. It is a known fact that, more than Rupees one lakh exchange hands in betting. Another interesting and unique feature is that normally no police protection is given to this event. Instead the local youth take the responsibility. Another exemplary aspect is that the local youths have banned the arrack and liquor supply in the area for 5 days!.

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